Hex   Dec   Oct   Bin
Degrees   Radians   Grads Qword   Dword   Word   Byte
Backspace Deletes the last digit of the displayed number.
CE Clears the number displayed at that time.
CA Clears the entire calculation.
MC Clears any number stored in memory.
MR Recalls the number stored in memory. The number remains in memory.
MS Stores the displayed number in memory.
M+ Adds the displayed number to any number already in memory but does not display the sum of these numbers.
Hex Converts the displayed number to the hexadecimal number system.
Dec Converts the displayed number to the decimal number system.
Oct Converts the displayed number to the octal number system.
Bin Converts the displayed number to the binary number system.
F-E Turns scientific notation on and off. You can use "F-E" only with the decimal number system.
dms Converts the displayed number to degree-minute-second format (assuming that the displayed number is in degrees). To convert the displayed number to degrees (assuming that the displayed number is in degree-minute-second format), use "Inv " + "dms". You can use dms only with the decimal number system.
sin Calculates the sine of the displayed number. To calculate the arc sine, use Inv+sin. To calculate the hyperbolic sine, use "Hyp" + "sin". To calculate the arc hyperbolic sine, use "Inv" + "Hyp" + "sin". You can use sin only with the decimal number system.
cos Calculates the cosine of the displayed number. To calculate the arc cosine, use "Inv" + "cos". To calculate the hyperbolic cosine, use "Hyp" + "cos". To calculate the arc hyperbolic cosine, use "Inv" + "Hyp" + "cos". You can use "cos" only with the decimal number system.
tan Calculates the tangent of the displayed number. To calculate the arc tangent, use Inv+tan. To calculate the hyperbolic tangent, use "Hyp" + "tan". To calculate the arc hyperbolic tangent, use "Inv" + "Hyp" + "tan". You can use tan only with the decimal number system.
sqrt Calculates the square root of the displayed number.
% Displays the result of multiplication as a percentage. Enter one number, click *, enter the second number, and then click %. For example, 50 * 25% will display 12.5. You can also perform operations with percentages. Enter one number, click the operator (+, -, *, or /), enter the second number, click %, and then click =. For example, 50 + 25% (of 50) = 62.5.
1/x Calculates the reciprocal of the displayed number.
Mod Displays the modulus, or remainder, of x/y. Use this button as a binary operator.
Or Calculates bitwise OR. The behavior of logical operators is undefined unless the inputs are integers.
Lsh Shifts left. To shift right, use "Inv" + "Lsh". After clicking this button, you must specify (in binary) how many positions to the left or to the right you want to shift the number in the display area, and then click "=". The behavior of logical operators is undefined unless the inputs are integers.
And Calculates bitwise AND. The behavior of logical operators is undefined unless the inputs are integers.
Xor Calculates bitwise exclusive OR. The behavior of logical operators is undefined unless the inputs are integers.
Not Calculates bitwise inverse. The behavior of logical operators is undefined unless the inputs are integers.
Int Displays the integer portion of a decimal value. To display the fractional portion of a decimal value, use "Inv" + "Int".
( Starts a new level of parentheses. The current number of levels appears in the box above the ")" button.
) Closes the current level of parentheses.
Exp Allows entry of scientific-notation numbers. You can use only decimal digits (keys 0 through 9) in the exponent. You can use "Exp" only with the decimal number system.
ln Calculates natural (base e) logarithm. To calculate e raised to the xth power, where x is the current number, use "Inv" + "ln".
log Calculates the common (base 10) logarithm. To calculate 10 raised to the xth power, use "Inv" + "log".
Sta Displays the Statistics Box dialog box and activates "Ave", "Sum", "s", and "Dat".
Ave Calculates the mean of the values displayed in the Statistics Box dialog box. To calculate the mean of the squares, use "Inv" + "Ave". This button is available only if you click "Sta" first.
Sum Calculates the sum of the values displayed in the Statistics Box dialog box. To calculate the sum of the squares, use "Inv" + "Sum". This button is available only if you click "Sta" first.
s Calculates standard deviation with the population parameter as –1. To calculate standard deviation with the population parameter as n, use "Inv" + "s". This button is available only if you click "Sta" first.
Dat Enters the displayed number in the Statistics Box dialog box. This button is available only if you click "Sta" first.
0-9 Puts this number in the calculator display.
+/- Changes the sign of the displayed number.
. Inserts a decimal point.
pi Displays the value of pi (3.1415...). To display 2 * pi (6.28...), use "Inv" + "pi". You can use pi only with the decimal number system.
A-F Enters the selected letter in the value. This button is available only if hexadecimal mode is turned on..
/ Divide.
* Multiplies.
- Subtracts.
+ Adds.
= Performs any operation on the previous two numbers.
Inv Sets the inverse function for "sin", "cos", "tan", "PI", "x^y", "x^2", "x^3", "ln", "log", "Ave", "Sum", and "s". The functions automatically turn off the inverse function after a calculation is completed.
Hyp Sets the hyperbolic function for "sin", "cos", and "tan". The functions automatically turn off the hyperbolic function after a calculation is completed.
Degrees Sets trigonometric input for degrees when in decimal mode.
Radians Sets trigonometric input for radians when in decimal mode.
Grads Sets trigonometric input for grads when in decimal mode.
x^y Computes x raised to the yth power. Use this button as a binary operator. To calculate the yth root of x, use "Inv" + "x^y".
x^3 Cubes the displayed number. To calculate the cube root, use "Inv" + "x^3".
x^2 Squares the displayed number. To calculate the square root, use "Inv" + "x^2".
n! Calculates the factorial of the displayed number.
1/x Calculates the reciprocal of the displayed number.
Ret Returns control to the calculator
Load Loads the selected data point into the display of the calculator.
CD Clears the selected data point out of the list
CAD Clears all data points out of the list